Steps to take if an employee did not get paid

If it's payday and your employee has not been paid, there are a few things you'll want to double check.

When is payday?

To find out what the payday is, navigate to Payroll > Run Payroll > Approved Payrolls. Click the pay period in question. You'll find the payday listed there. 

To confirm that the employee will be paid by direct deposit, navigate to Payroll > Direct Deposit > View Transactions. You will see successful direct deposits here.  

If today is payday, please allow up to at least 2:00 p.m. EST for the deposits to post. Banks have varying posting times and the deposit may not be reflected on your employee's bank statement until later in the day.

Is this the first payroll for the employee?

If yes, the funds may be missing because the employee's bank account information was entered incorrectly, or the bank account doesn’t exist as entered. It will take 3-5 business days after Wave reaches out to hear back from the employee's bank. Once this happens, Wave will have the option to resubmit the pay or refund it back to your account. 

In the meantime, we recommend obtaining a void cheque from your employee and updating the bank details by navigating to Payroll > Employees > Direct Deposit

If this is not the first payroll for your employee, please reach out to our support team. If you have an open communication with our team regarding this issue, please reply within the existing support ticket and Wave will investigate further.