How to use bulk actions on transactions

To complete the steps in this article, log in to your account from a web browser at

Bulk actions allow you to manage multiple transactions at once.

Bulk review

Bulk delete

Bulk categorization, tax application, or account edit

Bulk review

To bulk review your transactions:

        1. On the left-side menu, click Accounting > Transactions.
        2. Select the checkbox to the left of the transactions you want to review.
        3. Click the checkmark at the top middle of the page.
        4. In the pop-up, click Done.

To bulk review your transactions while completing other bulk edits, select the checkbox next to Mark selected transactions as reviewed in the pop-up window.

Bulk delete

To bulk delete your transactions:

        1. On the left-side menu, click Accounting > Transactions.
        2. Select the checkbox to the left of the transactions you want to delete.
        3. Click the trashcan icon at the top left of the page.
        4. If you see a pop-up, click the checkbox next to stand-alone transactions, invoice payment transactions, or both.
        5. Click Delete.

Once a transaction has been deleted, it can’t be recovered.

Bulk categorization, tax application, or account edit

To bulk edit your transactions:

        1. On the left-side menu, click Accounting > Transactions.
        2. Select the checkbox to the left of each transaction you want to edit to the same account.
        3. Click the pencil icon at the top left.
        4. In the pop-up, for the Edit field, click Category, Sales Tax, or Account.
        5. For the Change to field, click the option to change your transactions to.
        6. To add another bulk edit to the selected transactions, click Add another bulk edit and select the next edit from the dropdown.
        7. Click Apply.

You can add multiple sales taxes to your transactions.