If you do not need to run payroll for a pay period, you can skip it. Once you approve a pay period that falls after a skipped period, you can’t go back. To skip or edit the dates of a pay period:
- On the left-side menu, click Payroll > Run Payroll.
- Under the END date on the payroll calendar, click Edit.
- In the drop-down calendar, select the end date for the period you want to skip to.
The payroll calendar will automatically move to this new period.
If you get an error that the payroll cannot be calculated:
- Review your payroll frequency and pay period dates to ensure that the end dates align. For example, if your payroll frequency is biweekly, you can't skip just a single week. You can only skip a full two-week period. For a single week without wages, run your payroll as normal and only enter employee hours in the week that the employee worked.
- Ensure you’re not trying to select an end date for a pay period that has already been approved.