To provide you with greater clarity and tighter control of direct deposit money movement, the Payroll Transactions page is now available!
Information previously found on the "Direct Deposit" page in Wave, is now located in Payroll Transactions. You will find more meaningful detail for each direct deposit transaction and a breakdown of related payroll tax payments is now available all in one place.
Payroll Transactions
Payroll Transactions provides the same information previously found in "Direct Deposit," however we've added more detail to provide overall better visibility.
In Wave, click Payroll and select Payroll Transactions.
Direct deposit transactions are separated into Scheduled and Completed.
Items listed under Scheduled, include payroll related direct deposit transactions that are currently in progress, or scheduled for future payment. The Date shown is the withdrawal date.
If there is an issue with a scheduled pay period that needs your attention to be resolved, a banner will appear at the top of the Payroll Transactions page. Examples such as unsuccessful withdrawals or failed attempts to deposit funds to employees or contractors will be highlighted in red, with a "failed" badge applied. Click Details to resolve.
Items listed under Completed include payroll related direct deposit transactions that have finished processing (e.g. employees or contractors have been successfully paid). In addition to completed payrolls, you will also see refunds, when issued, listed here.
Transaction Details
Click Details on the Payroll Transactions page, for a more comprehensive breakdown.
Transaction Details provides you with a specific transaction's withdrawal date, funding account, direct deposit recipients and related tax accruals. In the top right corner, the transaction's related payroll is visible. Click the payroll dates to view the "Approved Payroll Summary."