Get insight into your business with the dashboard

Get to know the dashboard in the web browser

The dashboard in your Wave account is an overview page where you can see your business’s cash flow, a profit and loss chart, the balances in your connected accounts, and a summary of your upcoming invoice and bill payments. When you log in to your Wave account, by default, the Dashboard is the first page you will see.

Click Dashboard from the left navigation menu of your Wave account to return to the dashboard anytime.

If you have multiple businesses in Wave, each business will have a separate dashboard. To switch between businesses, click on your business name at the top right, and select the specific business profile from the dropdown menu. The Wave dashboard cannot be customized.

Get business insights from the web dashboard

The Cash Flow and Profit and Loss charts on the dashboard are accrual-based. Click View Report beside each chart, to get a detailed view of your reports under the Reports page. From the Reports page, you also have the option to switch to a cash-based report, and view other reports.

Quick actions you can take from the web dashboard

Click on the Create new button at the top left of the dashboard page, to create a new transaction, estimate, invoice, recurring invoice, bill, customer, vendor, product, or service. Under the Things you can do section on the left side of the page, you can invite a guest collaborator or click on the option to customize your invoices.

Get to know the dashboard in the Wave mobile app

Log in to the Wave mobile app to view your dashboard. At the top of your dashboard, there are two tabs, My tasks, and Business at a glance. Tap Dashboard on the bottom menu of the Wave mobile to return to the dashboard anytime.

If you have multiple businesses in Wave, each business will have a separate dashboard. To switch between businesses on the Wave mobile app, click on your business name at the top left, and select the specific business profile from the dropdown menu. The Wave dashboard cannot be customized.

Complete tasks from the mobile dashboard

Tap My tasks on the dashboard to see a list of tasks that can help you stay up to date with your bookkeeping and invoice payments. The list may include tasks like categorizing transactions, reconciling your accounts, and other helpful steps to take.

Swipe left on a task, and tap Dismiss to clear the task from the list, Snooze to temporarily have the task removed from the list, or Done to mark a task as complete. If you snooze a task, it will resurface after a certain period. If you click on certain tasks and complete them, they will no longer appear on the task list, but some tasks may need to be manually marked as done. To clear all the tasks without actioning them, tap Clear all at the top right of the list.

Get business insights from the mobile dashboard

Tap Business at a glance on the dashboard to see how your business is performing with a summary of your invoicing information and a profit and loss chart. The summary of your invoicing information includes details like the amount overdue, the amount that’s coming due in the next 30 days, and any upcoming payouts.

Below the profit and loss chart, view your taxable income for the fiscal year including a breakdown of your total income and expenses.

The Wave mobile app does not have detailed reports. To view your reports, log in to your Wave account on the web browser.