[Canada] How to handle paid sick leave related to COVID-19

This article is about a government program related to COVID-19 that has ended. This article is still available to help employers that used Wave during that time find and understand their payroll records.

Select your province or territory to skip straight to the relevant update, or skip to how to enter COVID-19 related sick time in Wave.









Updated paid leave requirements

Alberta (Beginning April 21, 2021)

Employees covered by the Employment Standards Code can take up to three hours of paid leave to get each dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Review complete details in this Alberta government resource.


British Columbia (Beginning April 19, 2021)

Employees can take up to three hours paid leave to be vaccinated against COVID-19. If necessary, they can take additional paid leave for a second dose. Review complete details in this British Columbia government resource.


Saskatchewan (Beginning March 18, 2021)

Employees can take up to three consecutive hours paid leave to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Review complete details in this Saskatchewan government resource.


Updated paid leave requirements and reimbursement program

Ontario (From April 19 to September 25, 2021)

Employees can take up to three days of paid infectious disease emergency leave because of certain reasons related to COVID-19. The three days do not need to be consecutive. Employers are responsible for following the Government of Ontario's directions regarding claiming reimbursement. Wave's payroll feature does not track or claim this on your behalf.  Review complete details, including eligible reasons, and reimbursement information in this Ontario government resource. 

Nova Scotia (From May 10 to July 31, 2021)

Employees can take up to four days of paid infectious disease emergency leave because of certain reasons related to COVID-19. The four days do not need to be consecutive. Employers are responsible for following the Government of Nova Scotia's directions regarding claiming reimbursement. Wave's payroll feature does not track or claim this on your behalf.  Review complete details, including eligible reasons, and reimbursement information in this Nova Scotia government resource. 


Updated paid leave reimbursement programs

Prince Edward Island (Beginning March 1, 2021, continuing while the province remains under a Public Health Emergency)

No change to paid sick time requirements mandated through employment standards. However, eligible employers without a paid sick leave program who pay their employees for sick time when they miss less than 50% of scheduled time in a one-week period may be eligible for reimbursement. Employers are responsible for following the Government of Saskatchewan's directions regarding claiming reimbursement. Wave's payroll feature does not track or claim this on your behalf. Review complete details in this Prince Edward Island government resource.


Yukon (Renewed for six months, from April 1 to September 30, 2021)

No change to paid sick time requirements mandated through employment standards. Eligible employers who pay their employees to take sick days and self-isolate can access a territorial rebate program. Employers are responsible for following the Government of Yukon's directions regarding claiming rebate. Wave's payroll feature does not track or claim this on your behalf. Review complete details in this Yukon government resource.


How to enter paid sick leave 

Any sick leave paid to an employee should be entered using the Sick Leave tool. This will ensure taxes are properly calculated and ROEs are accurate.

If you already offer paid sick time and, based on appropriate provincial or territorial government resource, do not need to provide additional hours, you can enter any COVID-related paid sick leave to your employee's timesheet.

If you don't already offer paid sick time, or if you need to add additional hours to your existing paid leave policy to meet updated regulations:

  1. Ensure the employee you are entering paid leave for is opted in to sick leave.
  2. Once your employee is opted in, update the policy by clicking the pen icon next to balance. Enter the number of hours available to your employee based on the revised requirements outlined above.
  3. Note that the default paid sick leave policy automatically accrues sick time based on the number of hours an employee works. This can be switched off by clicking the pen icon next to Accrual rate and selecting Don't accrue sick leave hours. Remember to click save changes when you're done.
  4. Once paid leave is available to an employee, it can be added to their pay by entering the number of hours used into the sick time row of Timesheets. Learn more in How to fill in your employee's timesheet