Wave's holiday pay feature automatically calculates the pay an employee is entitled to for statutory holidays. If you do not want to use Wave's calculations, you can turn this off and manually add statutory holiday pay as a wage adjustment.
To turn off statutory holiday pay:
- On the left-side menu, click Payroll > Employees.
- Select the employee.
- Select Holiday from the list on the left.
- Click the pencil icon beside Statutory Holidays, then select Manual Pay.
You cannot edit the Worked Holidays policy as it is a federal requirement.
- Click Save Changes.
Once you've updated the Statutory Holidays policy to Manual Pay, Wave will no longer automatically calculate the statutory holiday pay.
To manually add holiday pay to an employee’s pay:
- On the left-side menu, click Payroll > Employees.
- Select the employee.
- Select Benefits & Deductions from the list on the left.
- Click Add to Pay.
- In the Add field, select Wage adjustment from the dropdown menu.
- Edit the Pay stub label to reflect the holiday for which you are paying.
- Enter the amount.
- Select a frequency for this wage adjustment.
- Click Save.
When you run the next payroll, the amount will be added to the employee’s pay.