View and understand your customer credits report

Reports are only available on the web version of Wave.

The customer credits report tracks the funds that have been added to or used from each customer’s credit account.

View the customer credits report

Understand the customer credits report

Export your report

View the customer credits report

  1. On the left-side menu, click Reports, then Customer Credits.
  2. Select a date range using the filters or select a specific start and end date.
  3. Click Update Report to review your report.

Understand the customer credits report

On the left side of the report is the customer’s name followed by columns that show the movement of money in and out of their credit account.

Starting balance: the balance in the credit account at the start of your selected period.

Debit: the total of all amounts debited from the account, including payments applied to invoices and any refunds made to the customer

Credit: all deposits and invoice overpayments recorded as credits for the selected period.

Net movement: the total amount of credits minus the debits for the selected period.

Ending balance: the balance of the customer’s credit account as of the selected end date. This balance can be applied toward invoices or refunded to the customer.

Export your report

To export your customer credits report, at the top right corner, click Export, then select CSV or PDF format. The report will download to your browser.