Upload and attach receipt files to your transactions

You can scan and upload receipts to automatically create expense transactions with Wave’s receipts scan feature. This feature is only available on a subscription plan. Learn more about the receipts scan feature and pricing.

Upload and attach a receipt to a transaction from a web browser

The receipt file can be in any of these formats: JPG, JPEG, GIF, TIFF, TIF, BMP, PNG, PDF, or HEIC.

  1. Log in to your account at waveapps.com.
  2. On the left-side menu, click Accounting > Transactions.
  3. Find the expense transaction you want to attach the receipt to and select the dropdown arrow to the right.

    To create a new transaction, at the top right, click Add transaction > Add withdrawal, then fill in the details.

  4. Select Upload receipt from the menu.
  5. From the file browser, select the receipt file saved to your device, or use the camera app on your mobile device to take a picture of your receipt.

Once the file is uploaded successfully, you will see a confirmation at the bottom of the screen.

Manually creating a new transaction to attach a receipt to before the same transaction is uploaded to Wave will create a duplicate. While reconciling your account, check that the transactions were automatically merged. If not, merge the two transactions.