If your bank offers the option to export your data in Microsoft Money (.OFX), Quickbooks (.QBO), Quicken (.QFX) or Simply Accounting (.ASO) format, download one of those instead. All these formats are easier to import into Wave than a .CSV file; go back to your bank and re-export in one of these formats, then follow the steps in this article.
If your bank only offers .CSV imports, follow the steps below once you have downloaded the statement from your bank. Click here to download our CSV template. You can use it as a reference to format your file.
If you’re uploading a statement into a bank or credit card account that already exists in your account, follow the steps below. If not, first add a payment account under your Chart of Accounts.
- On the left-side menu, click Accounting > Transactions.
- Click More at the top right, then select Upload a bank statement.
- Under Statement, click Choose File and locate the statement you downloaded from your bank to your computer.
- In the Payment Account menu, select the account you want your transactions to go into.
The currency in the statement should match the currency of the payment account. If there are no currency codes in the statement, Wave will record the transactions in the currency of your payment account.
- Click Upload.
- On the Select date page, choose the column with the date Wave should assign to each transaction. For example, if you're uploading a bank statement, you should select the date you made the purchase (the transaction date). If you're uploading a credit card statement, you should select the date the bank took the money from the credit card (the posting date). If there is only one date column in your file, Wave will make a selection for you. Click Confirm date to continue.
- On the Select amounts page, you'll be asked to choose the column with the amounts you either paid into or charged to your account. If you're uploading a statement for a checking account, click on the column with amounts representing deposits, such as a check you deposited. If you're uploading a statement for a credit card, click on the column with the amounts representing charges to the account, such as a purchase you made on your card. If there is only one amount column in your file, Wave will make a selection for you. Click Confirm amounts to continue.
- On the Select description page, choose the column with the best description for your transactions. This will help you identify them after they're imported into Wave. If there is only one description column in your file, Wave will make a selection for you. Click Select description to continue.
- On the Confirm import page, make sure columns are highlighted correctly. If you need to change the date, amount or description columns that are highlighted, you can click on any of the Select date, Select amount or Select description headers to make your changes.
- Click Upload my statement. Transactions will import to your Transactions page.