To upload or download data with Wave Connect, first Install and link Wave Connect with Google Sheets.
Upload data
You can upload customers, products, invoices, transactions, and journal entry data into Wave through Google Sheets with Wave Connect. To upload your data:
- Open your Google Sheets spreadsheet, and click Extensions > Wave Connect > Upload.
- Select the data type you want to upload.
- On the sidebar to the right, click the Business dropdown and select which business you want to upload your data to.
- Review the information in Step 1: Prepare Input Sheet, then click Prepare Input Sheet. Your input sheet will automatically update with column headings and data validation rules.
- Enter your data into the prepared input sheet. The order of columns doesn't affect the upload, so you can rearrange them to fit your needs.
- Click Validate. Wave Connect will highlight any errors. Fix the errors and click Validate Again.
- Click Upload.
Wave Connect will report how many records were successfully uploaded, and provide links to view the uploaded data in Wave.
Tips for uploading
- If you add new data to Wave, use the Refresh Sheet Lookup Values option to update the available drop-down values in the upload sheet.
- Column headings marked in yellow are required.
- When uploading invoices, insert one row per line item (product or service). Wave Connect assumes rows belong to the same invoice until there is a change in the customer. You can force a new invoice for the same customer by inserting a blank row.
- You can upload data from a custom spreadsheet if it follows the correct column format.
- For invoices with multiple sales taxes, manually enter a comma-separated list of tax codes (e.g., TAX1,TAX2).
Download data
To export your transactions, customers, vendors, bills, receipts, invoices, employee profiles, and pay stubs, follow the steps in Export your data.
Download data from your Wave account into a Google spreadsheet. You can download your chart of accounts, customers, products, invoices, and transactions. To download your data:
- Open your Google Sheets spreadsheet, and click Extensions > Wave Connect > Download.
- Select the data type you want to download.
- On the sidebar to the right, click the Business dropdown and select which business you want to download your data from. Your Personal business is not available in Wave Connect.
- Click the checkbox next to the fields you want to include.
- Click Download.
Tips for downloading
- Use filters to download specific data sets from product or invoice data.
- You can choose to include line items and payment details in the invoice download.
- To re-order the order data is downloaded in, drag the fields.
- When downloading from a previously downloaded sheet, Wave Connect will pre-select the fields and maintain the order for consistency.