Gift certificates represent money that customers have paid to you in advance to receive products or services later.
Record a gift certificate sale
Record a gift certificate payment
Record a gift certificate sale
When you receive payment for a gift certificate, follow the steps below to record it.
- Open the Transactions page.
- Create a new income transaction, or locate the imported transaction and open it.
- Enter the date and amount.
- In the Account field, select the account the money was received into.
- Select the Category field.
- Add a new liability account under the Account Type Customer Prepayments and Customer Credits and name it Gift Certificate Sales. Categorize the transaction to this account.
- To attach this transaction to a specific customer, select Add customer, then select a customer from the menu.
- Select Save.
Record a gift certificate payment
When customers cash in their gift certificate, you can reflect this as income by applying it against an invoice or categorizing an income transaction to an appropriate account.
Apply the gift certificate against an existing invoice
- Open the Invoices page.
- Find the invoice you want to apply the gift certificate to, then record a payment.
- Choose the Method Other (payment method).
- In the Account field, choose the Gift Certificate Sales account.
- Edit the date and amount if necessary.
- Select Save.
Apply the gift certificate to a sale without an invoice
- Open the Transactions page.
- Create a new income transaction.
- Select a date and enter the amount.
- In the Account field, select the Gift Certificate Sales account.
- In the Category field, select an appropriate income account.
- Select Save.