Automatic bank transaction imports are part of Wave’s Pro Plan. Learn more about Wave’s plans or how to subscribe.
If your bank account was connected more than once to import transactions, causing duplicates on your Transactions page, follow the steps below to fix it.
Review your Connected Accounts page to turn off imports or delete duplicate accounts
To make sure you only have the bank connections you need for transaction imports:
- On the left-side menu, click Banking > Connected Accounts to find a list of your bank connections.
- Toggle off Automatically import transactions into...for any unneeded accounts.
- Toggle on imports for any bank or credit card accounts you need transactions from and assign them to the correct account in your Chart of Accounts.
To change the date to import transactions from, click Edit date and select a date.
Wave automatically selects the day after the last imported transaction. If you select an earlier date, you may import duplicate transactions.
- If you have an entire connection duplicated (multiple bank or credit card accounts under one bank connection), then you can also delete the connection you no longer want by clicking the trash can icon at the top right of the connected account.
If your connected bank account is used for online payments or payroll, you'll need to update the account you want to use for that feature before you can delete the connection. Learn how in Update your payout account or Update your payroll funding account.
Review your Chart of Accounts and rename the duplicate account
Next, you'll want to locate any asset or liability (credit card) accounts in your Chart of Accounts that were created for the duplicate connection. Renaming the unneeded account to mark it as a duplicate will help you to locate it more easily in filters and in the final step when you archive it.
- On the left-side menu, click Accounting > Chart of Accounts and locate the duplicate accounts. Checking and Savings accounts will be under the Assets tab while credit card accounts will be under the Credit Cards and Liabilities tab.
- Determine which account is still connected to your bank connection. This will likely be the one with the latest imported transaction date. You need to retain this account for your accounting.
- Edit the unneeded account by clicking the pencil icon next to its name.
- Rename the account to something that will indicate it's a duplicate which will make it easier to filter for in the next step.
Review your Transactions page to delete or move duplicates
Now you will need to remove any imported transactions from your unneeded accounts. This may mean moving your transactions from one account to another to ensure all your transactions for a bank or credit card account are in one place. Alternatively, you can also bulk delete your transactions if you don't need the account at all. To either bulk delete, or move all your transactions from one account to another:
- On the left-side menu, click Accounting > Transactions.
- Filter for your unneeded account using the Account dropdown menu at the top (this will be the account you renamed in the previous step.)
- Click Select All to bulk select all transactions that have loaded on the page.
- To move the transactions into the correct account, click Edit and change the Account field to the currently connected account.
To permanently delete your transactions, use the Delete button instead of the Edit button after selecting the transactions.
- Repeat this process for all transactions in the account until you have no transactions left.
- If more than one account was duplicated, repeat the process for all duplicated accounts.
If you need help bulk editing or deleting your transactions, see How to use bulk actions on transactions.
Archive duplicate accounts under your Chart of Accounts
Once you've moved or deleted all the transactions from the unneeded accounts, you can now archive them in the Chart of Accounts. This will also remove the account from the drop-down menu in the Transactions page.
- Head back to Accounting > Chart of Accounts and click the pencil icon next to your unneeded account.
- Select the checkbox next to Archive Account.
- Click Save.
This should make the account disappear completely from Wave as long as there are no associated transactions. Once you've completed this for all duplicate accounts, you're done!