Resolve duplicate transactions imported from your bank

Automatic bank transaction imports are part of Wave’s Pro Plan. Learn more about Wave’s plans or how to subscribe.


If your bank account is connected for transaction imports, duplicates may be caused if:

    • Your bank connection is disconnected and then reconnected without the right date to begin imports. Wave cannot automatically remove duplicate transactions once they’ve been imported. To resolve duplicates, manually merge transactions or delete the duplicate transaction.
    • You have multiple connections for the same bank account on your Connected Accounts page. To resolve duplicate bank connections, follow the steps in Fix duplicate bank connections.
    • You manually record payments on invoices or bills or upload receipts. Wave’s auto-update feature might not have detected and merged these transactions yet. Learn more about Automated bookkeeping with auto-updates.

If you use Wave’s online payments feature, you may see three transactions for each invoice payment. These are not duplicates. To understand this bookkeeping, read Automated bookkeeping with online payments.