Choose accepted payment methods for a single invoice

You can customize the payment methods available for a specific invoice without changing your default settings for all invoices. Learn how to change the default settings in Change default payment settings for all invoices.

Select invoice payment methods in your web browser

Select invoice payment methods in the Wave mobile app

Select invoice payment methods in your web browser

  1. Navigate to the Invoices page: On the left-side menu, click Sales & Payments > Invoices and locate the invoice. For help finding an invoice, see Find an invoice.
  2. Open payment options: On the invoice page, at the top, click Online Payments ON.
  3. Customize payment methods: Use the ON/OFF toggles to select which payment types you want for this invoice.

Select invoice payment methods in the Wave mobile app

  1. Navigate to the Invoices page: On the bottom menu, tap Sales Invoices and locate the invoice you want to edit. For help finding an invoice, see Find an invoice.
  2. Open payment options: Tap Invoice online payments.
  3. Customize payment methods: Toggle your preferred payment methods ON or OFF