Accept partial or instalment payments on an invoice

Accept a partial payment using Wave’s online payments

Accept a partial payment outside of Wave

Partial payments can be used to receive instalment payments. You can also use recurring invoices to create and send a series of invoices, and receive instalment payments.

Accept a partial payment using Wave’s online payments

Learn how to set up online payments.

When paying an invoice through the invoice link, customers can edit the payment amount. Learn how a customer can pay an invoice through Wave. The automated bookkeeping process is the same as when customers make a full payment.

View the invoice’s remaining balance on the Invoices page, under the Amount due column.

Accept a partial payment outside of Wave

If a customer makes a partial payment outside of Wave, edit the amount when recording a payment on the invoice. Alternatively, if you import transactions automatically, categorize the transaction as a Payment Received for an Invoice in Wave as normal.

View the invoice’s remaining balance on the Invoices page under the Amount due column.