Understand how your customer can pay an invoice through Wave

When you send an invoice through Wave, your customer receives an email with the subject line "Invoice # from [business name]." The email provides a summary of the amount due and the due date. If online payments are enabled, the email includes a Review & Pay button that allows them to view and pay the invoice.

Customer steps to pay the invoice

  1. Click the Review & Pay button. Customers are then directed to a page with the payment options activated for that invoice.
  2. Choose the payment method; Credit or debit card or Bank payment (EFT).

    Customer view of invoice payment options

  3. For credit card payments, customers can enter their payment information on a secure page, or use Apple Pay.

    Customer view of credit card payment screen

  4. For EFTs, customers can search their bank’s name and are directed to a secure page to log in to their bank’s online banking portal.

    Customer view of EFT payment bank search bar

  5. Click Pay.

If you use Wave to send invoices and are having trouble processing a payment on an invoice you sent to your customer, open Mave, Wave’s automated chatbot, and type customer card declined. Mave will help collect any relevant details and direct you to the appropriate support. Learn how to open Mave Get support with Wave.