Archive or restore a business

If you have a business profile in Wave that you no longer use, you can archive it to remove it from your view. Wave accounts are limited to 15 business profiles, whether active or archived.

When you archive a business, all invited users associated with it will be removed. It will be hidden from your business list dropdown menu but can be found under your Profile settings in the Archived Business section. No data is deleted when you archive a business.

Personal profiles cannot be archived.

Steps to take before you can archive a business

Archive a business

Restore an archived business

Steps to take before you can archive a business

Before you can archive your business, complete the following if applicable:

  1. Disconnect your bank for transaction imports. On the left-side menu, click Banking > Connected Accounts. Click the trash can icon next to your connected bank account.
  2. Remove active integrations. At the top right corner, click your business name, then Integrations. Click the X icon beside your active integrations.
  3. Cancel payroll subscription. If your business has an active payroll subscription, cancel your payroll account.
  4. Disable online payments. Turn off online payments for your business.
  5. End scheduled recurring invoices. On the left-side menu, click Sales & Payments > Recurring Invoices. Click the dropdown arrow next to an active recurring invoice and click End.

Archive a business

  1. Log in to your Wave account at
  2. At the top right corner, click on your business name, then Profile settings.
  3. In the Settings menu, click Businesses.
  4. Click the pencil icon next to the business you want to archive.
  5. Scroll down and select the Archive button.
  6. Confirm your choice to archive the business.

Restore an archived business

  1. Log in to your Wave account at
  2. At the top right corner, click on your business name, then Profile settings.
  3. In the Settings menu, click Businesses.
  4. Under Archived Businesses, click Restore next to the business name.
  5. Click Yes, restore my business.