Wave is available for businesses located in the United States and Canada. US territories are not supported.

If you are new to Wave, create a new account. If you have an existing Wave account, learn how to add a new business to your account.

Create a Wave account in a web browser

Create a Wave account in the mobile app

Create a Wave account in a web browser

An email address can only be associated with one Wave account.

  1. To access Wave, open this link.
  2. At the top right, click Sign Up.
  3. Type in your email address and a password, then click Get started. Or, click Sign up with Google to use an existing Google account.
  4. Fill out your name, business name, type of business, and business structure. Your currency is automatically selected based on your location. To change this, select Change this. Once you select a business currency, you cannot change it. Learn more in Why can’t I change my business currency.
  5. You will be asked a few questions about your business and its history.
  6. Choose your subscription. To continue with a free plan, click Continue with Starter. To upgrade to a paid plan, click Upgrade to Pro. You can change your subscription later if needed. Learn more about Wave’s plans.
  7. An email is sent to the address entered in Step 3. Check your email and click the link within to verify your account.

To learn more about how to use your Wave account, read Overview of your Wave account.

Create a Wave account in the mobile app

An email address can only be associated with one Wave account.

  1. Download the Wave mobile app from your device’s app store. Learn how to Install the Wave mobile app.
  2. Tap Create Wave account.
  3. Type in your email address and a password, then tap Get started. Or, tap Sign up with Google to use an existing Google account.
  4. To enable app lock, tap Turn on app lock, or tap Not now to bypass this step. You can enable or disable this feature at any time.
  5. Enter your first and last name, then tap Continue.
  6. Enter your business name, business country, and business currency. Tap Continue. Once you select a business currency, you cannot change it. Learn more in Why can’t I change my business currency.
  7. You will be asked a few questions about your business and its history.
  8. On the confirmation page, click Continue.
  9. An email is sent to the address entered in Step 3. Check your email and click the link to verify your Wave account.

Learn more about how to use your Wave account in Overview of your Wave account.