Import a customer list

You can import your customer contacts into your Wave account using two methods: through your Wave account with a CSV file or through Wave’s Google Sheets integration, Wave Connect.

Import a CSV file

Import using Wave Connect

Import a CSV file

Step 1: Prepare your CSV file

  1. Export your contacts from the platform where they're stored (e.g., Gmail, Outlook, Apple Contacts) into a CSV file.
  2. Download then open this sample CSV file to see how you should organize your file for it to import successfully into Wave.
  3. Open your customer contacts file and compare it to the sample CSV template. Copy the appropriate columns from your spreadsheet into the Wave template. Ensure that each contact includes at least one of the following or the import will not work: Company name, First name, Last name.
  4. After organizing the data, save your file.

Step 2: Import the CSV file into Wave

  1. Log in at
  2. On the left-side menu, click Sales & Payments > Customers.
  3. Click Import from CSV.
  4. Click Choose File, locate the CSV file you've prepared, and then click Upload and preview customers.
  5. Review your data: Check that the customer information is correctly aligned with the proper headers (e.g., company names in the Company Name column, email addresses in the Email column).

    Once you proceed, you won’t be able to undo the import. You can edit customer information later, but only one contact at a time.

  6. Click Yes, proceed with import to finish the process.

Import using Wave Connect

Step 1: Set up Wave Connect

  1. Download and install Wave Connect.
  2. In Google Sheets, click Extensions > Wave Connect > Upload Customers. The Wave Connect add-on will appear on the right side of your sheet.
  3. Under Step 1: Prepare Input Sheet, click the Prepare Input Sheet button to generate the customer upload template.

Step 2: Enter customer data

  1. Enter your customers' data in each row of the template. Only the Customer Name field is required.
  2. Choose country and province format: You can select whether to enter the country and province or state by name, or by the 2-letter ISO code.

Step 3: Validate and upload data

  1. After entering the data, click Step 2: Validate Data and then click Validate Data.

    • If Wave Connect detects any issues it will alert you in Step 2 and under column R of the input sheet. Correct the data and click Validate Again.
    • When validation is successful, click Continue.
  2. Review your customer information to ensure everything is correct.
  3. Under Step 3: Upload Data, click Upload Customers.

    • If you have multiple business profiles, a pop-up will ask you to confirm the business profile for the import. To select a different business, click Cancel and select the correct business from the drop-down menu on the right side of the sheet.
    • Once you're ready, click Ok to start the import.

If you leave the currency column blank, Wave automatically applies your default business currency to the customer’s invoices.