A customer profile provides you with an overview of your customer's information, their invoice and payment history, and allows you to create and send invoices.

To access your customer’s profile:

        1. On the left-side menu, click Sales & Payments > Customers.
        2. Click on a customer's name to open their profile, or click the dropdown arrow to the far right to take action on their profile.
        3. Click Edit customer at the top right to edit their profile.
        4. Click More at the top right to create an invoice or estimate, send a statement, or delete your customer.

Within their profile, there are three different tabs:

Overview tab

On the Overview tab, you can see all the important information surrounding your customer in a single view.

The Overview tab contains:

        • Contact details: primary contact details, secondary contact details, shipping address, and internal notes.
        • Invoice insights: the total unpaid amount, how much has been paid in the last 12 months and the last item that was sent, or marked as sent, to your customer.
        • Unpaid invoices: any invoices that have not yet been paid by your customer.
        • Saved cards: all of your customers' saved credit cards

Invoices tab

The Invoices tab shows all invoices associated with your customer. From this tab, you can create, approve and send invoices, record payments, and generate reminders.

To send invoices and reminders directly through Wave, subscribe to our Pro Plan. Learn more about subscribing to Pro Plan.

Activity tab

The Activity tab provides an overview of your history with your customer. Learn more in Customer Profile Activities.