Estimate statuses

Different statuses are assigned to estimates based on certain criteria:

  • Draft: You have created the estimate and saved it as a draft.
  • Saved: You have approved the draft but have not yet sent it to a customer.
  • Sent: You have sent the estimate to a customer.
  • Viewed: The customer has viewed the estimate.
  • Accepted: The estimate was accepted by the customer.

    Accepting an estimate is part of Wave’s Pro Plan. Learn about Wave’s plans.

  • Converted: You have converted the estimate to an invoice.
  • Expired: The Valid Until date of the estimate has passed.

Expired estimates can be sent to customers, accepted, and converted to an invoice by editing the Valid Until date to a future date. Learn how to Edit, delete, or duplicate an estimate.

Use filters to find an estimate in your web browser

Use filters to find an estimate in the Wave mobile app

Use filters to find an estimate in your web browser

To view estimates that meet certain conditions, or search for a specific estimate:

  1. Log in to your account at
  2. On the left-side menu, click Sales & Payments > Estimates.
  3. At the top of the page, you can see the estimate filters. Filter by customer name, estimate status, and date range to view the estimates that meet the criteria you set.
  4. To search for an estimate using the estimate number, enter the number in the rightmost field with the search icon.

To clear a filter, click the X button beside it, or, to clear all active filters, click Clear all filters.

On the Estimates page, your estimates are organized under three tabs: Active, Draft, and All. You can find these tabs at the top of the Estimates page below your filters. Check to ensure you are under the correct section before you use filters, to get the correct results. The Active tab includes estimates that are saved (approved from a draft status), sent, viewed, accepted, or converted to invoices.

Use filters to find an estimate in the Wave mobile app

To find invoices that meet certain conditions:

  1. Log in to the Wave mobile app.
  2. Tap Sales on the bottom menu, then tap Estimates in the submenu.
  3. Tap Filter to filter by estimate status, date, and customer. To search for a specific estimate, enter an estimate number.
  4. Tap Apply.

To clear filters, tap Filters on the Estimates page, then tap Clear all filters.

On the Estimates page, estimates are organized under three tabs found at the top of the page: Active, Draft, and All. Check to ensure you are under the correct section when you use filters. The Active tab includes estimates that are saved (approved from a draft status), sent, viewed, accepted, or converted to invoices.