Reset an accepted estimate

Accepting an estimate is part of Wave’s Pro Plan. Learn about Wave’s plans or how to subscribe.

Resetting an accepted estimate will change its status from Accepted to Saved. Your customer cannot reset an estimate they previously accepted but you can do this on their behalf, if required.

Reset an accepted estimate in your web browser

Reset an accepted estimate in the Wave mobile app

Reset an accepted estimate in your web browser

  1. On the left-side menu, click Sales & Payments > Estimates.
  2. Locate and click on the accepted estimate.
  3. Within the Accept section, click Reset.

Reset an accepted estimate in the Wave mobile app

  1. On the bottom menu, tap Sales > Estimates.
  2. Tap to open the accepted estimate.
  3. Tap the three dots at the top right of the screen.
  4. Select Reset estimate status.